I Need to... Find Information

These databases and websites provide information that may help with research projects and more. The databases are only available to the Oregon K-12 community.
If you access a Gale resource and are prompted to log in, either enter your username and password, the name of your school district, or the name of your private school.
Your teacher and library staff have the login information.  

Database Terms of Use        


Elementary Topics

Click here to access the database called Gale In Context Elementary

Tutorial Checkmark.jpgTutorial


Science & Cultures

    Click here to access the database called National Geographic Kids

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Computer Skills, 
Test Prep, & More

Click here to access the database called Learning Express Library

Frequently Asked Questions

Middle School Topics

Click here to access the database called Gale In Context Middle School

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What to read next?

Click here to access the database called Gale Books and Authors

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Oregon Encyclopedia

Click here to access the website called Oregon Encyclopedia


Click here to access the database called Gale Ebooks

        Tutorial Checkmark.jpgTutorial 

All Gale Databases

Click here to access the database called Gale Power Search

 Tutorial Checkmark.jpgTutorial 

Historic Oregon

Click here to access the website called Oregon Historic Newspapers

Click here to access the service called Answerland

24x7 Chat 
with a Librarian

Tutorial Checkmark.jpgTips

Student Atlas of Oregon 

Click here to access the PDF of the Student Atlas of Oregon

Tutorial Checkmark.jpgSpanish

State Library Digital
Collection Highlights

Click here to access the website of the State Library of Oregon's digital collections

Using a Library Database

Using a Library Database Video thumbnail

OSLIS Overview
Elementary Overview video thumbnail

Educator Content

Resources about Find Information


  • If you are wondering which Gale K-12 database to use when, consult this comparison table (Word, PDF).
  • This flyer created by Gale staff might be helpful to promote the Gale databases (PDF).
  • Gale's support site offers resources to help promote and explain the databases, including webinars for library staff and other educators.
  • The Gale login screen has three access options -- enter a username and password, enter the name of your school district, or enter the name of your private school. If you would like the Gale database login for your school or district, contact the School Library Consultant at the State Library of Oregon by using the Feedback form at the bottom of this page. 
  • Educator's Reference Complete has content from over 1,000 education-related periodicals to help you stay current on the profession. Click on the database icon for access.

         Click here to access the database called Gale OneFile Educator's Reference Complete


  • EBSCO, which owns LearningExpress, offers and records monthly webinars for library staff and other educators. Search for learningexpress or job or prep.


  • Answerland is a virtual librarian reference service. Before using Answerland with your class, please review their Schools page.
  • The Student Atlas of Oregon is from the Center for Geography Education in Oregon at Portland State University. They offer additional atlases, lesson plans, and other instructional materials
  • The State of Oregon Law Library provides statewide access to a database called Legal Information Resource Center. A free law library account is required. Click on the database icon for information.

Click here to access the database called EBSCO Legal Information Reference Center