OSLIS Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting the Oregon School Library Information System's website and reviewing our privacy statement. Any information you choose to provide on the website will only be used to improve services. OSLIS guards your privacy and appreciates your trust. OSLIS is committed to protecting the privacy of all OSLIS users, no matter their age. OSLIS' privacy and confidentiality policies are in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws. Our privacy policy is clear:

We will collect no personal information about you when you visit our website unless you choose to provide that information to us.

Emails and Web Forms

Personally identifying information that you provide by emails or web forms will be used only for such purposes as are described at the point of collection (for example on a web form). Examples of such purposes include sending information to you, or responding to your questions or comments. If you provide contact information to the OSLIS webmaster or an OSLIS representative, it is assumed that you are giving us permission to contact you to clarify your comment or question, or to learn about your level of customer satisfaction with our services. Any personal contact information given for these purposes will not be shared with others.

Information Collected and Stored Automatically

As you browse through the OSLIS web site, read pages, or download information, we will automatically gather and store certain information about your visit but not about you. The information that OSLIS automatically gathers does not identify you personally. We automatically collect and store only the following information:

1)    The Internet domain (for example, "anyschool.edu" if connected from a school, or "xcompany.com" if a private Internet access account) and IP address (an IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to a computer whenever it is surfing the web) from which access to our website is gained.

2)    The type of browser and operating system used to access our site.

3)    The date and time of access to our site.

4)    The pages visited and for how long.

5)    The address of the website from which the initial visit to www.oslis.org was launched.

We use this information to help us make our site more useful to users and to learn about the number of visitors to our site and the types of technology used by our visitors. Data collected are not connected to you personally.

Links to Other Sites

When connecting to licensed databases via OSLIS, we release only information that authenticates users from a specific district. Users accessing the OSLIS website will need to enable cookies in order to access a number of resources available through OSLIS. Our servers use cookies solely to verify that a person is an authorized user in order to allow access to licensed library resources and to customize web pages to that user's specification. Cookies sent by our library servers will disappear soon after the user's computer browser is closed.

The OSLIS website contains links to other sites. OSLIS is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites, which may be different from the privacy practices described in this policy. We encourage you to become familiar with privacy practices of other sites you visit, including linked sites.


OSLIS procedures limit access to data and ensure that those individuals with access do not utilize the data for unauthorized purposes. We limit access through use of passwords and storage of data on secure servers or computers that are inaccessible from a modem or network connection.

OSLIS will not disclose any personal data we collect from you to any other party except where required by law or to fulfill your service request. We do not sell, lease or give users' personal information to companies, governmental agencies or individuals except as required by law or with the user's authorization.

We will not make library records available to any agency of state, federal, or local government unless a subpoena, warrant, court order or other investigatory document is issued by a court of competent jurisdiction, showing good cause and in proper form. Any law enforcement inquiry will be forwarded to the OSLIS Committee Chair.


OSLIS reserves the right to change or modify this privacy statement at any time.  If we revise our privacy statement, we will post those changes on this policy web page so you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.